NetBench Run Rules
How do I run NetBench?
-Install all required software
-Install the NetBench controller software on one client
-Install the NetBench client software on all clients
-Compile a linux kernel
-Optional: Install Cygwin on all clients
Reboot the Clients and Server
-On the Server, run the script to reboot all clients (requires rsh on all clients)
-On the Server, run /sbin/reboot
Test Prep
-On the server, run
-On the controller client, start the netbench contoller program and select "client login"
-On the controller client, open a bash shell and run
-If you want to affinitize smbd processes to processors, on the server, run
-On the server, run
Test Execution
-On the client controller, select OK to finish client login
-Select yes to open a test suite
-Pick a test suite
-When prompted to start the test, select YES
Data Archive
-Once the test has completed, stop the script with controll-c
-On the controller client, exit the controller software, and pick TERMINATE when prompted
-Copy the test results, usually in C:\Netbench\Controller\Results, to the server under /var/netbench/results/testdata/netbench
-On the Server, run
-On the Server, run
Generate Results
-To Generate NetBench results, start the controller program and select view->results
-NetBench will generate a Excel spreadsheet for the test suite